kings, revelations, and plastic babies

Gloria and John are having a party for El Día de los Reyes and I signed on to make Rosco de Reyes which is the traditional bread. Inside the bread is hidden a little plastic (choking hazard!) baby and whoever gets that piece has to throw the next party. I made my bread from the Spanish recipe (as opposed the Mexican version.) The hidden baby is supposed to represent the baby Jesus and depending upon who tells the story the search for it represents the search of the Magi following the star or Herrod’s search (and baby murdering rampage.)

The Mexicans celebrate the “day of the kings” (the day the Magi arrive with their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh) by giving presents to children. In the old days the kids left their shoes out and found them filled with toys and candy in the morning.

The Italians also celebrate on January 6, The Feast of the Epiphany. In their case, a witch “La Bufana” leaves presents in the children’s socks. That story goes that the Magi asked an old woman for food and drink while on their journey. She refused them and later realized her error so to make amends she comes flying back on her broom to leave gifts while the children are sleeping. The Sicilians leave a plate of sausage and a glass of wine out for her. (Sicilians are compelled to feed everyone.)


Unknown said...

the bread looks delicious! -- a little like a giant cinnamon rasin bagel..

your blog is great!

i am also named 'caramagno'

Denise Caramagno said...

thanks, (cousin?) anto0ncy. the "raisins" are actually cherries. wouldn't you know it, the guy who got the baby lives in Canada!

Anonymous said...

Denise, thank you for visiting and leaving a comment on my blog! This bread looks delicious!